As you can imagine, as the world continues to use more and more plastic products, bits of the packaging, bits of fibers from clothes, and actual small chunks of plastic products end up in the ocean. Many of these get eat/absorbed somewhere in the food chain and its affecting oceans in a massive way. Even in a place as underpopulated as the Sea of Cortez, we see tons of floating plastic bottles, discarded bags, and old fishing floats both in the sea and on the beach.
On Monday morning, we scheduled the haul out for that afternoon at 3pm. They use a huge hydraulic trailer to lift boats in and out and then drive them a 1/4 mile down the road to the boat yard. However, there were two boats with engine trouble blocking the ramp, so true to Mexican form, they said, "Manana manana," and we got rescheduled for the next morning, with assurances that we would get a "good deal" for our trouble. The following morning came along and out the Rascal came, without any difficulties.
The yard workers were slow to start, but they did a great job and while they were working, we lent a hand where we could. We also installed the speaker system much to everyone's delight. Last, but not least, we drank enough tecate to choke a horse.